Employees provided

On time, legally, reliably. To the Max.

Specialists in Asian employee recruitment

We are an experienced agency with one of the highest Asian employee recruitment in the industry. We provide you with employees who are fluent in English and Russian.

Years of experience
Number of branches
Number of recruited employees
You are provided with employees who work extended shifts.
You are provided with employees who are dedicated to their jobs.
You are provided with support from a coordinator who speaks the workers' language.
Guaranteed Legal Employment

We hire employees according to Polish law, and help foreign workers gain legal residence in Poland.

Are you looking for reliable employees?

Let's discuss what works for you.

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Check the boxes below if you agree to our representatives contacting you in the future to present our current suggestions.
Your consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time. In order to withdraw your consent, please email daneosobowe@max-power.com.pl. Please note that withdrawing your consent will not affect any processing that had been carried out before the withdrawal. Read more about how we process your data in Privacy Policy.